Achievements Badges In computer course
It is the series of 15 badges and given Institute to students in honor of their best performances throughout the course.........
1.Ms word:
2.Ms Excel:
This badge is given by Institute to those students who perform best in Microsoft Excel, and show extra interest in Ms Excel.Out 15 only 7 can achieve this award....
3.Ms Power Point:
This badge is given by Institute to those students who perform best in Microsoft Power Point, and show extra interest in Ms Power Point.Out 15 only 9 can achieve this award....
4.Software installer:
This badge is given by Institute to those students who has1 best skills of software installation in PC.
5.Hardware expert:
This badge is given by Institute to those students who best skills hardware &hardware management.
6.Best Attendance:
This badge is given by Institute to those students who show regular Attendance throughout the course.
7.Best Writing:
This badge is given by Institute to those students who has neat and tidy writing.......
8.Languages 5+ Badge:
9.Language 7+ Badge:
10.Language 10+ Badge:
11.Tying speed 25+ Badge:
12.Tying speed 35+ Badge:
13.Tying speed 45+ Badge: